Our client, a prominent automotive manufacturer, recognized the growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and aimed to establish a leadership position in the evolving electric mobility market. They sought our expertise in optimizing their EV supply chain and developing a comprehensive charging infrastructure network to enhance customer experience and drive market penetration.

The client faced critical challenges in their quest for EV market dominance:

Supply Chain Optimization: The client's existing supply chain was not adequately aligned with the unique requirements of electric vehicle manufacturing. They needed to streamline sourcing, production, and distribution processes to ensure cost efficiency, quality control, and timely delivery of EVs and related components.

Charging Infrastructure Development: To alleviate range anxiety concerns and support the widespread adoption of EVs, the client aimed to establish a robust charging infrastructure network. They sought guidance in designing an optimal charging network, selecting suitable charging technologies, and identifying strategic locations for charging stations.

Consulting Approach:

Our automotive consulting team deployed a data-driven approach to address the client's challenges and achieve their objectives:

Supply Chain Optimization:

a. Data Analysis: We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the client's supply chain, including sourcing, logistics, and production processes. This involved evaluating supplier performance, identifying bottlenecks, and mapping the flow of components.

b. Process Streamlining: Utilizing lean manufacturing principles, we optimized the supply chain by implementing just-in-time inventory management, improving production cycle times, and enhancing collaboration with key suppliers.

c. Supplier Collaboration: We facilitated strategic partnerships and collaboration initiatives with suppliers, fostering innovation, and ensuring seamless integration within the supply chain.

Charging Infrastructure Development:

a. Market Assessment: We conducted a detailed market analysis, considering factors such as EV adoption rates, travel patterns, and charging infrastructure trends. This analysis identified target regions, optimal charging technologies, and potential partnerships with infrastructure providers.

b. Network Design: Leveraging geographical data and EV usage patterns, we designed an optimized charging infrastructure network. This involved determining the optimal density and distribution of charging stations, prioritizing high-traffic areas, and accounting for future scalability.

c. Technology Selection: Based on charging time requirements, customer preferences, and infrastructure compatibility, we recommended a mix of fast-charging stations and standard charging points. We evaluated different technologies, such as DC fast charging and Level 2 AC charging, to ensure a versatile and efficient network.


Our collaborative efforts with the client produced significant results, driving their success in the EV market:

Supply Chain Optimization:

Reduced Costs: The optimized supply chain resulted in a 14% reduction in component sourcing costs and a 19% decrease in logistics expenses, enhancing the client's cost competitiveness in the EV market.

Improved Efficiency: Streamlined production processes and improved collaboration with suppliers led to a 25% reduction in production cycle times, enabling the client to meet increasing customer demands more efficiently.

Charging Infrastructure Development:

Comprehensive Network: The developed charging infrastructure network comprised 300 fast-charging stations strategically located across major highways, urban centers, and popular destinations. Additionally, 1,500 standard charging points were strategically deployed in residential areas, workplaces, and public parking facilities.

Enhanced Customer Experience: The client's charging network boasted an average fast-charging station density of one station per 50 kilometers, significantly reducing range anxiety for EV owners and providing a seamless charging experience.

Scalability and Future-readiness: The network design accounted for projected EV adoption rates and allowed for scalable expansion to meet growing market demand. Additionally, it offered compatibility with emerging technologies, ensuring future-readiness and adaptability.


Our data-driven approach, supply chain streamlining, and strategic guidance empowered the client to achieve cost efficiencies, improve production cycle times, enhance customer experience, and establish themselves as a leader in electric mobility. With an optimized supply chain and a robust charging network, the client is well-positioned to thrive in the rapidly evolving electric vehicle market.