Nextyn Compliance Framework

Expert Compliance

Nextyn has employed mandatory compliance procedures and rules for every micro-consulting assignment undertaken on its platform. Every Expert registered with us, or willing to register on the platform must agree, accept and read, in detail our Terms & Conditions before undertaking a consultation with us. These Compliance procedures are designed to outline, educate and provide our Experts with clear boundaries and address sensitive subjects while undertaking a micro-consulting call.

Our Experts are informed and instructed about our compliance standards through a mandatory tutorial that is designed to explain our confidentiality Terms & Conditions and outline scenarios that the Expert could potentially encounter while undertaking a consultation with Nextyn. Our mandatory induction tutorial also provides a series of questions that require our Experts to gauge the ideal outcome of a situation they could encounter during a consultation.

In order to qualify as an Expert on our platform, every Expert is mandated to go through the Induction Tutorial and the Confidentiality Terms & Conditions confirm that have read, understood, agree and will adhere to the same while undertaking a consultation with Nextyn.

Employer Registry

Nextyn practices strict measures to refrain from accepting or conducting consultations with Experts who’s employers bars its employees from participating in such third-party consultations. In an instance when Nextyn learns of any such prohibition, it records the details of the company in its Backend Registry. This registry list is automated into Nextyn’ IT platform to ensure Experts identified in our database as employees of companies on the list are not permitted to participate in third party consultations.

Client Compliance

All our clients are mandated to sign a service contract, which outlines and highlights our compliance standards and our confidentiality terms. Upon signing the Service Contract, our clients agree, understand and accept these Confidentiality clauses to ensure every Micro-Consulting call undertaken by them, discusses only publicly available non-proprietary information.

Data Compliance

Our Expert and Client data is compliant with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, which is outlined in detail in our Privacy Policy.